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Foto do escritorJose Dias

I felt I needed poetry

Atualizado: 19 de mai. de 2021

I felt I needed poetry. You know you desperately need poetry when you start forgetting things. You forget to look at something from different angles at the same time, the importance of touch, and how good it feels to read poetry out loud. It tastes of honey and wine and wild strawberries and soft lips. Poets – alive and dead – all live together in a tall tower: the Tower of Song which Leonard Cohen knew so well, as he also lives there. So I went back to E. E. Cummings and Marianne Moore and Ted Hughes. And I went back to David Mourão Ferreira and I welcomed Luis Brito Pedroso. And that’s why I’m now working with Fiona Sinéad Brehony. Her (spoken) words dance around my music and it is then she who becomes music.

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